Sunday, March 15, 2009

3rd life

"this time, I'll get it right"... that's what I ALWAYS tell myself and before I can tuck the receipt neatly away, a nagging feeling begins to stir... "will I EVEr use this?!"

I admit, I have always been quite the shopoholic. It doesn't have to be branded or even expensive... I think it's just that need to buy. Many times the feeling of euphoria ends after I've dotted my signature on the receipt. I'm really starting to believe that it's OCD but until I'm brave enough to face it.. I'll try listing my buys in a fairly public place :) Yes, that should do the trick to curb it.. cos SOMEONE else is watching me, heh.

My buys (Phase 1) previously has been mostly bags, HEAPS of accessories, skincare and makeup. Endless nagging from my mother didn't help and somehow I thought that when I moved away, things would change.

Change they did, but the ugly ol shopping head took a different charter (Phase 2). This time, due to a horrid outbreak on my face, I was more intrigued with sunscreens and more advanced skincare like Vit C, A, AHA, BHA, Feurulic etc. I was interested in all things natural (Dr. Hauschka, Jurlique) and even wanted to make my own skincare/cosmetics! AND.. most of all, I discovered online shopping! Not ebay but because where I stayed was a pretty huge country (compared to this little isle of shopoholics, I swear it's in our water), shopping online was a godsend ... I could order what I willed and they would send it to me FOC... I would try and only pay for the stuff I didn't sent back to the retailer. Cool or what! I also shopped alot more on Amazon for my diet of English books and online MP3s.

Now, I've been back in my hometown for almost 2 years and the shopping still has not stopped, infact worsened! :P (Phase 3) I recently starting ebay-ing so I'm just afraid that things'll really go out of hand. Together with the "Worst economic Crisis the world has seen" and a little offspring (ooh, what a word!ha)... I neeed this visual reminder, 'Look at what I've bought and Look at what I should save for!' :D We shall see if this is the solution to my shopping OCD.

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